Excellent article on the Globe and Mail today in relation to dealing with the finance manager at the end of the car buying process, it can be found here: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/car-life/how-a-fast-talking-finance-manager-almost-bamboozled-me-into-spending-way-more-on-my-new-car/article12633603/
Everyone that has ever bought a car has been there, you are all excited about your new purchase and in many cases have already agreed to a bunch of add ons whether you realize it or not. BUT just in case you haven't they bring you too the normally above averagely attractive female or slick buttoned down fast talking finance guy to wring every last cent out of you. My experience the past couple of times has been the former, which makes saying "no" even more difficult!
I probably mentioned it in a previous post but the finance lady at Kia told me 99% of customers buy the rim warranty because the rims are so expensive to replace. I just told her I have not damaged a rim beyond repair in 20+ years of driving so I'd take my chances, not only that I don't know a single person that has, just think about it.
You have to be prepared to politely say no to everything they offer. Some people like to go for the extended warranty up front but you have lots of time to buy that up until your regular warranty expires, there is a 50% chance you will get rid of your car before it even kicks in so it's just as well to at least wait before buying it.
Rustproofing..... theft deterrent..... scotch guarding..... yadda yadda.... all money makers for the dealership. With lower car margins due to the high volume of information available to buyers the up-sell items get pushed harder than ever these days... want bacon and cheese on that $2 burger, your total is $4.50 thank you!